Sunday, August 30th. Weigh Station will be at the Marina.Join us for a chance at a GUARANTEED Payout of $3,500.00 for hourly winners! NO matter how many ENTRIES we receive!!CASH PAYOUT FOR THE TOP 5 BIGGEST BASS OFEACH HOUR, A HUGE NUMBER OF CHANCES TO WINCASH AND PRIZES, PLUS BONUS PAYOUTSALL DAY: SOME CASH, A ROD,& BASS PRO GIFT CARDSTHE BASH BEGINS AT7AM with OVER 50 CHANCESTO WIN CASH & PRIZESWEIGH IN TIME SLOTS:8AM – 9AM, 9AM – 10AM, 10AM – 11AM11AM – 12PM, 12PM – 1PM, 1PM – 2PM, 2PM – 3PMWEIGH STATION will be at Ledge Rock Access.PAYOUTS:Overall Champion $1,000 (based on 125 entries)Hourly Payouts (based on 125 entries)1ST PLACE: $5002ND Place $2503RD PLACE: $2004TH PLACE: $1005th PLACE: $806th PLACE $10 Gift Certificate to KnJ Bait and TacklePayouts Based on 125 entries (3,500 for hourly winners is GUARANTEED!) (7 – $500 winners)BONUS PAYOUTS:LADY Angler who weighs largest Bass will receive $50 Bass Pro Shops Gift card !Youth angler under 14 who weighs largest Bass will receive $50 Bass Pro Shops Gift Card!Angler who weighs in the SMALLEST Bass of the day will receive A ROD FROM CASHION RODSAngler who catches the 2nd smallest bass of the day will receive a $50 gift certificate from Deep Creek Lures.ALL ANGLERS THAT Weigh in AN EXACT WEIGHT BASS WILL receive A $50 KC EXTREME MACHINES GIFT CARD!BE THE 1st to Weigh IN AN EXACT WEIGHT FISH AND Receive A ROD FROM CASHION RODS ($120 VALUE!)(IF THERE IS NO EXACT WEIGHT BASS WEIGHED, PRIZE WILL BE GIVEN TO THE CLOSEST FISH TO 3 LBS.)IF YOU ARE WEARING BBB APPAREL WHEN YOU WEIGH IN YOU WILL BE ENTERED INTO A DRAWING FOR A FREE ENTRY INTO THE NEXT BBB EVENT. TWO DRAWINGS AT EACH EVENT AFTER THE FINAL WEIGH IN. You must let us know when weighing in that you are wearing apparel.$500 Angler’s Choice BonusIf you win the hour fishing out of a boat purchased in the last 3 years from Angler’s Choice (new or used) you will receive a $500 bonus. The boat owner must catch the fish.THE NOT SO FINE PRINTyou will be updated via text message the standings for each hour.Hourly Payouts are Based on 125 entries. $500 Hourly Winners are GUARNTEED NO MATTER THE NUMBER OF ENTRIES!!maximum 4 anglers per boat. so come JOIN US FOR OVER 50 CHANCES TO WIN!CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFICATION:Fish 1 event and you will be qualified for Championship.TRITON GOLD EVENT! Win up to an additional $7,000 if you are in the Triton Gold Program. Check out the details here www.tritonboats.comFor more info call Brad Staley 336-253-8596 or Email 1brads@gmail.com